What is a Tech Policy Design Lab?


What is a Tech Policy Design Lab? 

Bringing design to tech policy can have material benefits for the safety and well-being of people on the web and beyond. As such, the Tech Policy Design Lab (TPDL) workshop framework employs a multi-stakeholder collaboration and interactive design approach to gain consensus from a diverse perspective and tackle key tech policy problems with measurable results. 

There are five core components  of a Tech Policy Design Lab:

The target participants for a TPDL are:  

Expected outcomes: 

  • product prototypes
  • design principles
  • policy changes
  • new processes

Why choose TPDL?

Why choose a TPDL?

A TPDL is designed to address several challenges that sit at the intersection of technology, policy and design. 

Tech policy design labs (TPDLs) can address a wide range of challenges that intersect technology and policy; for example:

  • AI & Machine Learning: TPDLs can study the ethical, legal, and societal implications of AI and machine learning, as well as the potential benefits and risks of these technologies.
  • Cybersecurity and privacy: TPDLs can research the legal and technical challenges of protecting personal data and critical infrastructure from cyberattacks.
  • Internet Governance: TPDLs can examine the policy and technical issues related to the management and operation of the internet.
  • Digital Rights and inclusion: TPDLs can research the impact of technology on human rights, such as freedom of expression, effects of online gender based violence, privacy, and access to information, and how to ensure that the benefits of technology are accessible to all.
  • Technology and design: TPDLs can research the effect of design on technology, users. Deceptive design patterns etc.
  • Smart Cities: TPDLs can study the impact of technology on urban areas, such as the use of sensors, data analytics, and automation in the management of cities, and the implications for privacy, security, and inclusion.
  • Environmental: TPDLs can research the impact of technology on the environment, such as the use of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and carbon capture and storage.

These are just a few examples of how TPDLs can address a wide range of challenges and opportunities that intersect technology and policy. TPDLs are tailored to address specific challenges and opportunities facing a particular community or region.